faceless kid sitting on rug and passing painted labyrinth

10 Playful Home Learning Activities for Your 1-3 Toddler

As a mom on a mission to make learning fun for my little one, I’ve discovered some fantastic home learning activities that keep my toddler engaged, happy, and learning all at the same time. Today, I’m excited to share these ideas with you in the hopes that they bring as much joy and excitement to your home as they have to mine.

1. Sensory Bins Galore

Create sensory bins using items like rice, beans, or even water with floating toys. Not only does this engage your toddler’s senses, but it also promotes fine motor skills as they explore different textures and objects. Add scoops, cups, and containers for extra fun.

2. Colorful Shape Sorting

Turn everyday household items into a shape sorting activity. Cut out basic shapes from colored paper and encourage your toddler to match them to objects around the house. This not only teaches shapes but also enhances observational skills.

3. Nature Scavenger Hunt

Take the learning outdoors with a nature scavenger hunt. Collect leaves, rocks, and flowers while identifying colors and textures. This activity not only provides fresh air but also helps your toddler connect with the world around them.

4. DIY Art Extravaganza

Get messy with arts and crafts! Set up a dedicated art space with washable paints, markers, and paper. Allow your toddler to unleash their creativity and explore different colors and shapes. Don’t forget to proudly display their masterpieces afterward.

5. Alphabet ABC Play

Transform learning the alphabet into a game. Use magnetic letters on the fridge or create letter cards for a matching game. Sing the ABC song together and make it a fun, interactive experience.

6. Counting with Cheerios

Turn snack time into a learning opportunity by counting with Cheerios or any other small, edible items. This not only reinforces counting skills but also doubles as a tasty treat for your little one.

7. Storytime Adventures

Cultivate a love for reading by incorporating storytime into your daily routine. Choose age-appropriate books with colorful pictures and engage your toddler by asking questions about the story. This not only develops language skills but also sparks their imagination.

8. Puzzles Galore

Invest in age-appropriate puzzles to challenge your toddler’s problem-solving skills. Choose puzzles with larger pieces and vibrant images to capture their attention. As they successfully complete a puzzle, celebrate their achievement and encourage them to try more.

9. Music and Movement

Create a mini dance party at home by playing your toddler’s favorite tunes. Encourage them to move and groove to the music, fostering both gross motor skills and a love for rhythm. This activity is not only fun but also a great way to burn off some energy.

10. Playdough Playtime

Craft homemade playdough for a sensory and creative experience. Use cookie cutters and small utensils to enhance fine motor skills. This activity provides endless possibilities for imaginative play and is a fantastic outlet for self-expression.

Including these home learning activities into your daily routine not only stimulates your toddler’s development but also strengthens your bond through shared experiences. Remember, the key is to keep it light, enjoyable, and tailored to your child’s unique interests and pace.

As we started on these little adventures together, let’s celebrate the joy of learning and the magic that happens when curiosity meets creativity. Here’s to making every moment a learning opportunity for our little ones!

Happy exploring, and don’t forget to check out the exclusive worksheets in our shop!


This will help you plan your daily activities with your toddler! Moms

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